pp108 : Generating Web Service Operations on Databases

Generating Web Service Operations on Databases

This topic describes the generation of Web service operations on databases.

Process Platform facilitates working with database tables and using the metadata to create Web services. You have an option to create a metadata of the database - a representation that contains details of the database tables and views. The created Database Metadata can be updated with any change that takes place inside the database.
You can create Web service operations on database in the following ways:

Currently, Ws-AppServer does not completely support the database with multiple schema for generating Web services. Database Metadata supports the option to load tables when the database has multiple schema. However, when the Web service operations are generated over such databases, ensure that you do the following:

  1. Open the Web service operation document in the CWS that belongs to the table which is not associated to the default schema.
  2. Update the content and associate the schema to the relevant table name. For example, if a table name 'T1' must be associated with a schema 's1', then update 'T1' with 's1.T1'. If this is not updated, the Web service generated on the tables that are associated to the non-default schema will result in the following error during execution: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Invalid object name '<TableName>'.